Yesterday, in some beautifully unseasonably warm weather, we photographed Lauren & Marc’s engagement in Old Town, Alexandria.  Great weather and a new fisheye lens (hooray for Hanukkah presents!) made for some very cool images.  Here – check ’em out!

First shot o’ the day!

Fun with a fisheye lens.  Love the red door!

Next to the shipping center in Old Town.

Neon green & Orange is my new favorite color combo.

…Or maybe green, blue, and orange… hmm.

We all know my photographic foot fetish as of late.

I love photography that is engaging.  Stare at it for awhile and see if you can find the old man watching them from a distance.  🙂

Very cool doors in front of one of Alexandria’s many Oriental Rug stores.  Such a cute expression!

Fisheye lens + Dock = Some very cool stuff going on!

Possible competition print for 2009!  Spent WAAAY too long playing with this one…

Something simple but sweet.  My normal studio-lighting pattern I’m sure you’re all sick of seeing by now.  So you’ll all be happy to know I got another strip-light, so we can do some cooler stuff.  (Looking for victims.)

3 Responses

  1. If only the dress wasn’t already professionaly cleaned and packed…besides…I don’t even think I would fit in it at this point…I think I’ve gained like 20 pounds since the wedding…I should have done it then…I don’t know what I was thinking ;o) I can take other pics if you need “victims” ;o)