Brice has a new big brother… and I do mean BIG!

Brody is a 100 lb. mastiff… and still growing!  Just look at the size of those paws.

Anyway, Lizzy bought in her new baby for some pet portraits just in time for Christmas (which explains the hat).  They’re both surprisingly amenable to wearing clothing – which is funny because Hailey will really have none of it.  Brice, by the way, is Hailey’s buddy after we dog-sat for him.  She was so upset when he left!

My favorite.  Possibly one of this year’s four…

All puppy!  (that is SOME tongue!)

Best Buddies.

He’s all tuckered out, and the season has barely begun!

My favorite family portrait

A closeup of the group

My other favorite.  They’re surprisingly willing to stay like this too…

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