Last weekend, Dave, my father-in-law Fred, and I went on a little adventure outside Rome, to beautiful Lago di Balseno in Northern Lazio. Absolutely beautiful hidden gem – tourist free, fantastic food, and beautiful vistas everywere. We visited a few cities, including Tuscania, Marta (where we ate in a restaurant full of cats – it was great!), and Cività. Best part about Italy, I’m totally convinced, is that you can pick any random town off a map and decide to go on a whim – and it’s like it’s own little mini-vacation. And I was happy because I got to spend the day shooting these…
Lake Balseno
Doorway – Cività
Window – Cività
Ant on a Flowering Olive Tree – Cività
And since I couldn’t resist a panoramic… This is the hill we climbed up to get to the town.
Panoramic of Cività del Bagnoregio