Monday night I photographed the Merck Summit for Individualization of Fertility Treatments in the absolutely beautiful Villa Tuscolana in Frascati. About 250 doctors attended from the Far East – countries including Taiwan, Bangladesh, and Singapore we in attendance. Overall – a very interesting experience. My new studio manager, Sofia (there will be a post about this later) covered the event with me. We sat through two very interesting lectures given by some European doctors – or… they seemed really interesting anyway. Kind of technical (ok, VERY technical), but from what I gathered there has been some remarkable improvements in fertility treatments when treatment is individualized to the patient.
Oh, and there were a LOT of cameras. I think every attendant had two! And peace signs. Peace signs in every image. Long story short – we had a lot of fun and cannot wait to shoot a wedding in that location!
As you can see, I’ve found a new plugin for Lightroom (Mogrify) creating these awesome new frames that match my stuff more. Hope you like the new look of the blog images!
The gorgeous dinner set up in the tents overlooking the Casteli Romani
Two views of the interior of Villa Tuscolana (and some Fisheye Lens Love)
Love this one – how pretty is this?!
And the cameras…
These were the two speakers for the evening
And some people enjoying themselves at the event… with peace signs!
Seems like everyone had a great time!