Earning My Stripes!

[tatsu_section bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_size= “cover” bg_animation= “none” padding= ‘{“d”:”90px 0px 90px 0px”}’ margin= “0px 0px 0px 0px” border= “0px 0px 0px 0px” border_color= “” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” full_screen= “0” section_id= “” section_class= “” section_title= “” offset_section= “” […]

International Print Competition, Art, & Hailey

[tatsu_section bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_size= “cover” bg_animation= “none” padding= ‘{“d”:”90px 0px 90px 0px”}’ margin= “0px 0px 0px 0px” border= “0px 0px 0px 0px” border_color= “” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” full_screen= “0” section_id= “” section_class= “” section_title= “” offset_section= “” […]

Chasing the Print Competition Dragon

“As Far as the Eye Can See” – 85, sealed The day after International Photographic Competition (IPC) is always my favorite Social Media day of the year.  I love sharing in my friends’ excitement as they (we) share this year’s achievements, accolades, new degrees, sob stories, sorrow-79’s, and Loans during/after the biggest competition of the year. […]

So Exciting! (Long Post)

Still trying to get over the shock… 🙂  This year’s scores from 2010 International Print Competition have come out. I don’t know if you remember any of my posts on print-comp in the past, but here’s generally how it works:  You first buy a semi-expensive (approved) print-case, and then agonize for months over which 4 […]

Back from State with a Bevy of Blues

Ok, better late than never, right?  i mean… the convention was only in February!  At least I’m eventually posting my results from state.  Actually, they’ve been on Facebook for quite some time, and I totally forgot that I never posted them to my blog. I’m pleased to announce that my case did pretty nicely this […]